The impact of St. Ignatius Loyola Academy is that you have literally hundreds of men today who have gone through this school and who are productive members of society. They are lawyers, teachers, that otherwise might not be in that role in our community.

-Tony Moag, Sponsor

Sponsorship Q & A

Who Are Your Student Sponsors?

Sponsors can be corporations, businesses and foundations, but the majority are individuals or “teams” of individuals (e.g. family members, golf teams, book clubs, etc.).

What TYpe of Sponsorships are Available?

Opportunity or Full Sponsors support a student for the entire school year (academic and summer terms). Academic Sponsors provide support for a student for the academic term (August through May) and Summer Sponsors provide support for a student during the Summer Term (June camp and July Term). Sponsor Teams, which can be made of two to four individuals, share in sponsorship. Half sponsorships are also available.

What Can I Expect As a Sponsor?

Student sponsorship is a rewarding opportunity. New students are paired with a sponsor at the start of their fifth grade year. Sponsors receive a letter with the name of their student and a photo. In late Fall, you will receive a personal hand-written letter from your student with a little more information about himself. Sponsors are given an opportunity to meet their student at special events throughout the year and will receive additional letters. Many sponsors save their student letters as they watch their student grow and mature through his time at the Academy. At the end of their 8th grade year, students host a special breakfast for their sponsors, allowing one last get-together before they begin their high school journey. This rewarding experience for sponsors is often why they continue their commitment and sponsor a new student every four years.

What If I Am Unable to Attend Sponsor Events?

A number of sponsors, due to time conflicts or as a matter of geography, aren’t able to attend every or any events. We make every effort to provide you with contact with your student if you desire. You will continue to receive your update letters and we will do our best to keep you posted on his growth and activities.

How Can I Learn More?

If you are interested in learning more about student sponsorship or if you wish to come visit the Academy, please contact Jennifer Summers via email or at (410) 783-9279.

Sponsor and Former Board Member, Tony Moag shares his thoughts on St. Ignatius Loyola Academy and why it is important to support the Academy